Monday, August 31, 2009

The choice is yours

The choice is yours, to do anything in the world that will make you feel alive. It starts by aligning your thoughts with your heart's desire and taking that crucial first step. A dream may seem distant at first, and many times people give up on them when instant gratification does not present itself. There is no trick really, perseverance is a learned characteristic that you have to teach yourself by constantly asking the questions that lead you to the next right action. Those who are constantly sitting in limbo about what will make them happiest usually can't be content because they do not make up their own mind and they allow outside sources to dictate how life should be. The choice is yours.

Make decisions quickly and change your mind slowly; as opposed to making decisions slowly, which will have you changing your mind often and will lead to confusion. Your deepest fears and struggles cripple you from not being able to choose. The people, circumstances and ideas will always enter your life when you're open to enough and have decided what you want. Those who have accomplished great things in life; whether it be inventing something, writing inspiring songs, raising wonderful children, or simply becoming teachers to others, always practice the concept of choice. Feel alive today, make your decision and step toward your own dreams. Watch in awe and avail yourself to the great possibilities that come into your life. The choice is yours.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Faith, Honesty and Perseverance

This part of the ride will be rewarded by the very human elements of faith, honesty and perseverance. Inside the heart of a winner is the ability to let go of the negative forces in their life no matter how difficult it may seem at any given time. There will be people, places and situations that occur that can distract you from your purpose and leave you insecure. By being honest with yourself and true to your individual vision there is nothing you can't accomplish in this world. The simple idea of changing your perceptions will, in time, deliver an unmistakable feeling of security and hope that begins in the present moment. Believe that you deserve all of the desires in your soul. Take responsibility for the life you create. Keep moving, keep trusting and keep working toward your dreams.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Take Responsibility

Outside influences have nothing to do with where you are in life. There are people that intuitively blame the circumstances of their lives on everything that has happened to them up to this point. Until a choice is made to take responsibility for your own life and decisions; there will be no room for growth, for true happiness and confidence. Quit apologizing and start making choices. Nobody has the ability to make all of the right decisions, however everyone has the ability to make their decisions right. Comfort and security are only possible from inside your own heart. When you allow yourself to dwell on the past or be frightened by a future that you have no control over you become indecisive and unable to find your own potential. So when faced with decisions~ MAKE THEM and accept the results. Teach yourself to dream big dreams and let yourself follow them, watch in awe as the mystery unfolds before your eyes and take responsibility.

Surround yourself with people that are also moving forward and avoid those searching for comfort. Because in the end there is no such thing. Life happens, peaks and valleys, beautiful sunny days and storms; it is how you learn to redirect and improvise during these times that will bring you self assurance and understanding. Whatever your dreams may be, get after them and don't look back. People and situations have no bearing on your personal freedom so take responsibility and keep moving forward.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Create and Discover

From the dawn of time everything created is meant to be discovered. Take action today that will initiate the feeling of freedom in your soul and contentment in your heart. There is no need to disguise who you truly are in order to gain the approval from others or to gain instant gratification that will surely leave you puzzled in the long run. Today, remember that you are enough! You can start right now changing your perceptions of the people and situations that leave you feeling trapped or confused because they are things you can't change. Create the life you imagine for yourself and discover your own unique gifts for the world around you.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fantastic Connections

There are many lessons to learn from simply watching the connections in the world. Our fears and worries are accumulated over time from unnecessary beliefs that we are defined by the current conditions of our lives. One of the biggest missteps you can make is to judge someone else or worse, judge yourself for the situation you're presently in. Don't let the disillusionment of yesterday or the uncertainty of tomorrow stop you from making a worthwhile connection to the world around you today.

There are people and occurrences in our lives that will have us feeling bound by doubt in our minds. By allowing yourself to see the beautiful connections surrounding you, seemingly small actions can catapult your life in the direction of your dreams. Ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, the answer will sometimes astound you and always bring a smile to your face. No matter how you're feeling, skipping down the street will evoke a sense of fearlessness in your heart. Take time to notice a single flower that is sprouting alongside many others and know that you are also growing. Dare to make a slight change in your daily routine each day and stay in motion, taking in all of life's fantastic connections.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Discover what you Believe

This is the day, right now; the moment in time to shake out the cobwebs, smile from the deepest part of your gut and know that you can handle all of life's mysteries. Character truly is built by the challenges we face head on and continue to forge ahead. We will all face obstacles that hold us back or situations that baffle us. Once we learn to accept our own responsibility for them we can then face the demands of finding peace in our hearts and freedom in our souls. In order to move forward we simply must let go of any shame or guilt we feel due to not living up to the expectations of the influences around us. Discovering what you believe in and believing in what you discover is the foundation of building the beautiful life that we are all capable of imagining.

There will be people throughout our lives that form ideals in our minds that just may keep us small and never ever content with ourselves. Once we discover what makes us feel alive we can forgive the people and situations of our past and be blissfully aware of our own individual promise. We are each a small but powerful force in the world around us with the ability to carry each other to the places we dream of. Surround yourself with people that define you by your destiny and not your history. Each day the sun rises above the sea, dark nights turn to the light of day and changes in the Universe are constant. Keep moving, keep trusting and discover what you believe.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kick Start a Dream

Laughter cleanses your soul and can infect an entire room full of people. A confident smile can offer a burst of inspiration to anyone in any moment of time, giving them permission to kick start a dream. There is no greater gift in the world than the gift of hope, so feed it to anyone that is searching for it. Contentment, happiness and freedom within shines through us as we let go of our yesterdays in order to walk sharply in today.

Magical moments will happen in life when you are able to forgive people, situations and yourself for anything that hasn't quite gone your way. Remember, the world is never against you and life just happens.

Today~ find it within yourself to walk self assured, smile with confidence and laugh from the deepest part of your soul. Enjoy all of life's magical moments and KICK START YOUR DREAMS.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Free and Easy

Letting go allows us to move forward, to dream and become aware of the our own personal desires. Everyone has secrets and situations that baffle them and render them feeling helpless. The choice is simple, cut it loose or allow these things to drag you down. As simple as the choice is, the difficulty lies in the actions to take in order to follow through. Many of our thoughts about how we should live, how we should perceive and what we should be doing have been embedded in our minds for a long time. These perceptions sometimes force us into the disillusionment that we are in control of the results in our lives. Our minds tell us that other people should act a certain way, that we should be doing things to make others happy or that we can control the outcome of our actions. In order to be truly free, the seemingly monumental task at hand is learning to let go and to accept life as it comes.

There is a flow to The World that is free and easy, although at times it seems as though it is suffocating and deficient. Storms will rage and rain may fall on days we expect the sun. Each storm will pass and the sun will rise again, perfectly in the flow of the Universe. Everything changes around us, cold winter nights will eventually become shining spring days, gray skies turn into breathtaking visions of blue and tears from the eyes of a child turn into sparkling visions of hope and imagination. Like children, we never have to stop growing, we never have to stop being in awe of just how wonderful the changes around us are. We can begin now, changing our thoughts and perceptions and accepting the changes both outside and inside of our hearts. Though not always easy, we can begin to let go of the idea that we are in control and be inspired by the free and easy changes in our life.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Open and Vulnerable

As we allow ourselves to be open to the possibilities that the world opens for us we will intuitively begin to see opportunity in everything that gets thrown our way. In order to be able to receive life's true gifts it is important to learn how to let go and let The Universe work for us. This is by no means an easy process, especially when most of us have learned that we are "in control" of our own lives. The fact is that we are only in control of the actions we take and the true hope in our hearts. We will get knocked back through no fault of our own and that is life happening and certainly not the world conspiring against us. Our true strength will come from being open and vulnerable, accepting the position we are in now and people that we can't control.

At some point our hearts will begin to lead us through the situations that we simply can't wrap our minds around. This is when we truly become alive inside and find contentment in our souls. When we can walk self assured that we are creating the life we imagine. Experience life today and know for certain that you are not what has happened to you, but you are all that you choose to become. Let your imagination carry you far away from where history has taken you; this is how we grow and emerge confident in the path we are deciding to take. Stay open and vulnerable in order to take in each new possibility and watch in awe as opportunity comes knocking.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Peace within our hearts begins with forgiveness, of others as well as ourselves. Freedom in our souls begins with trusting that the mystery of our lifetime can and will be filled with tiny miracles. A smile that brightens the world around us and within us begins with self reliance. Faith in our wonderful Universe begins with walking through our fears, letting go of the anger, resentment and doubt that our past has taught us. Each of us in one way or another has to deal with life and we can carry each other to places that we dream of. We can be disillusioned by what we have learned, of what we were taught to perceive as perfect and we will never be truly content until our connections are real and we can see the beauty that lies within each of us. To work for a dream, to persevere through struggles and believe in ourselves as well as the ones that believe in us is what will guide us to success. We can begin now, this instant the process making our lives what we want it to be and it will take work, but the rewards will be limitless.

Long before a bed of sunflowers becomes an appealing vision to our eyes, one tiny seed started it all. We all began our lives winners as we were the chosen seeds in a galaxy of millions, let us not forget that. Anyone that has ever accomplished anything began with a thought and they held onto hope that they would get to the place that they really want to go. Just as we all need air to breathe and water to drink we need to have faith in ourselves and the world around us. Simply by opening our eyes to the gifts in our lives we can begin to transcend fears and boundaries that hold us back. We can step up to the plate and not be afraid to love with our whole heart, build the life we imagine and allow beauty into our souls. Everything we dream about needs a beginning and as we learn to trust in ourselves and others the results will be beyond anything we could ever expect. We can go on wishing for a better life or we can BEGIN to create it now.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Beyond The Walls

We will all encounter situations in our lives that baffle us, leave us insecure, afraid and without much hope. However, there are a tremendous amount of gifts that we can find during times of pain and confusion. The hard part is deciding to open ourselves up to them. Many times, throughout our lives we are taught to be hard, to be fierce and independent of feeling any pain. We construct walls around us so there is no way of seeing anything except the heartache, resentments and fear that keeps us behind those walls. There will people in our lives, situations that occur and an incredible amount of trust lost that will keep us down, but only if we allow it. There is a flip side, a trick and a beauty of transcending our defenses and letting go of all that we can't control. We tend to hold onto anger and fear because we are not certain of any other way and that we just may be inadequate. Right now, this very minute anyone at anytime can begin to make anything possible and it all begins with a decision to let go of all things we can't control.

With one small yet encouraging step we can begin to see beyond the walls in front of us and into the fantastic world around us. The world where Sunflowers blossom into beautiful visions of hope. Where the sun rises above and then descends into our vast oceans. Somehow rivers flow gently in places, and their current picks up in others en route to an unknown destination. Eagles soar into the night amid the whistling winds of our atmosphere. Each day life is replenished when a child is born and a soul has left it's earthly realm; all of this happens perfectly and out of our control. Our actions and our thoughts are what gives us freedom to live, to dream and to be useful to each other. In the grand scheme of things we are but small pieces of the great mystery, but with all the power and energy to lighten up the world of someone else with our smile, our touch and our faith. It may take some work to see beyond our walls, but if done with trust and self assurance it will not seem like work at all. We can begin to leave our troubles behind, to rise above hurt and reach out to anything and anyone we can discover hope in. If we are truly searching for promise of better tomorrows we must learn to see beyond the walls in front of us.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Feel Free to Feel Alive

The search for finding peace in our hearts must begin with awareness of all the good we hold inside of our souls. Many times outside circumstances can limit us from growing to our full potential because we get a false sense of ourselves within our minds. One of the hardest obstacles to overcome in life is becoming able to forgive not only people and situations that have done harm to us, but forgiving ourselves. Outside sources and pasts that we have no control over can make us feel inadequate or worse, undeserving of better situations. When we are able to start knocking down the walls that have been built around us we can begin to free ourselves from the insecurities and fears that bind us. We are never more than one step away from breaking free from baffling situations that cause us to shrink ourselves and keep us from love. We are all meant to give something to this world and we can be confident of our instinctual nature to reach out and hold onto everyone and everything that makes us feel alive inside.

No dream is too big and no love is too strong when we learn to trust that within us there is a limitless potential to find all we are searching for. We can start right now looking inside of ourselves and allowing our hearts to lead us. What we have learned from history does not have to dictate to us where we are headed and the path we choose to lead. We will find on our journey many good sources of inspiration. People who understand us and see the good we may not even see in ourselves. We will find tiny miracles along the way when we are open to discovering them; and we should never take them for granted. The smile of children that distinguishes their curiosity. The sun rising above the vast sea and the waves crashing gently ashore. The shared touch of someone we feel safe with and the beauty behind the eyes of those we cherish.We are free to feel all that is good inside of us and follow our dreams wherever they may lead. The search begins with forgiveness and the willingness to discover all the potential within us. Feel free to feel alive inside.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soul Filled Connections

Hope will be found in the consistency of our lives. Connections we make that simply do not fail us, no matter where we are at any given time. Our soul filled connections will eventually be a channel that carries us forward even in our most trying times. Each day there are certain events that happen that are consistent in the always changing world around us that we can be certain of; rivers flow, day turns to night, people enter and also leave the earth, there is always air to breathe and inspiration to be found. When we are stuck in the middle of our toughest moments there will always be those connections we can make that simply will not fail us. Let us always be thankful for them, be aware that they are there and reach for them when we need to be carried forward. Let us also not be afraid to be that consistent connection for others, because our own hope and our own individual promise will eventually be a channel of faith for someone else.

No matter what has happened in our past or what may possibly happen in an uncertain future, we need to always be grateful for all the promise we can find right now. We are never too far from our dreams and we can find a connection to them so long as we are willing to see the beauty in the constant events of The Universe. We can be confident that every storm passes, that every step taken, we are getting closer to peace and happiness. We can learn to trust our instincts and let our fears of yesterday and tomorrow go where they belong, far away from right now. Let us allow ourselves to reach out to the soul filled connections that can be found in the world around us; visions of a magnificent bed of Sunflowers, music that touches our hearts, the brilliance of a curious child's eyes and the spirit of the people who believe in us. In turn, we can have faith in ourselves, to be that connection to everyone and everything around us.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Simple Connections

Love will drive us to find inspiration that could take us away from all of our troubles, launching us into moments of simple pleasures and fantastic hope of a better tomorrow. No matter where we find ourselves there are certain connections in life that will surely make us realize what is most important. If we can teach ourselves to look at the world again as children do we will discover that our imagination can take us to any place that we really want to go, without limitation. Somewhere along the line in our lives we learn to judge outside circumstances and allow them to leave us crippled in fear. Children simply look at what is in front of them with awe, with a keen sense of discovery and a purpose to live as large as the world around them.

We have the capacity to dream of any life we choose and to get there by allowing ourselves to find hope in life's simple connections. The smile of an old friend, holding the door for a stranger or a song that moves us can give us moments of delicate freedom. The sparkle in a child's eyes can lift our spirits no matter what may be happening in our lives at any time. There is no age limit to getting "butterflies" when we see that person that touches our soul with a simple touch of their hand. Right now we can start teaching ourselves to let go of fear and begin again, looking at the world around us in awe, with a keen sense of discovery and start to live purposefully as large as the world around us. Let us walk confidently in the direction of our dreams holding onto life's simple connections.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Place within all of us

There is a place within everyone where dreams come true, faith prevails and hope shines through. Each of us have it within us to allow a fantastic light brighten our souls and the entire world around us. Much too often we fear letting that light shine more than we do letting darkness keep us down. In our perfect Universe, each day the sun will rise and fall, rivers will flow and new life will be born. As we keep putting one foot in front of the other, allowing for the great mystery to unfold we have a chance to create a life beyond our wildest dreams; our own worst enemy is within us. When we let fear of moving forward cripple us we will find ourselves struggling within ourselves. The journey begins with a thought and a step, faith that we will get to that wonderful place that resides in each of our hearts, the place of hope and dreams.

No matter where we have been or we think we are in this moment we can reach out and hold onto love. Feel the warm embrace of a friend, the smile in a child's eyes or the beauty of music that moves us. All around us there is some sort of hope to grasp, we need to take a leap of faith and hold on with all the love inside of us. Let us make a decision in this moment to leave our troubles behind, move forward and be in awe as the mystery unfolds. We will grow each day like a blossoming sunflower, rise just the like the moon and love will flow into our lives like fantastic streams making their way down our most magnificent mountains. It is within all of us to get to that place we really want to go.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

One Step Now

There will be times in our lives when we are feeling trapped by circumstances that we can't control; When reliance on FAITH inside our hearts is all that we can turn to. It is quite possible to find ourselves completely rattled by current circumstances that have everything to do with past troubles and overwhelming fear of what will happen tomorrow. It is in these times when the most difficult action we can take is accepting where we are right now and putting one foot forward. Fear can cripple us mentally, physically and spiritually and keep us stuck in the two moments in time that we can't change. We tend to allow yesterday and tomorrow to control our very being. Peace can only be found in our hearts as we teach ourselves to rely on some power far greater than ourselves to carry us through in this very moment. We are but a tiny piece of the great puzzle, yet each of us have enough light within us to illuminate all of the world around us.

Our journey begins new each day with one single step toward faith a Great Power that is bigger than even our most vivid imagination. The beautiful part of all of this is that our choice of that Power is working for us in every single moment; In the breaths we take, the visions we see, the people we reach out to and those reaching out to us. Though we may find ourselves running against the wind or in the middle of a great storm, we can change our direction at any given time just by knowing that we will never be given more than we can handle. We can take one single breath, look up and reach out in order to move forward right now. Trust and FAITH will carry us up the most insurmountable mountains, allow us to soar in the vast blue skies and grow like a fantastic bed of sunflowers. Though each of us are different we can carry each other to our grandest dreams. Right now, accept where we are, breathe in Faith and take one step toward the life we imagine.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


A simple, yet effective solution to dealing with grief and pain is to be aware of our surroundings. We can find comfort in knowing that life just simply is not going to always be easy and everything will not always go our way. We have choices in every situation that occurs in our lives, usually the toughest aspect is looking at our part and making a decision to see what changes we could make within us to bring ourselves joy and serenity. By being aware of our surroundings we will see that we are not alone, that the World stays in motion and that if we are stuck it is only because we are choosing to stay that way. Seasons will change, nights will turn to day and flowers will continue to blossom no matter what is going on inside of us. So long as we are breathing, have a little faith and are able to see the changes happening all around us, we have the opportunity to change the thoughts going on within our minds.

Each and every day new life is brought into this world and other lives move onto some other place. New seeds are sown and beautiful flowers begin their process of becoming recognizable symbols of hope and love. Someplace on this earth an artist has just brushed the first stroke of their next masterpiece and someone is realizing a dream they have had since childhood. It is possible that our next door neighbors are in need of a kind hearted smile and we have the chance to give that to them. There is a place where two people are falling in love, touching each others hands for the very first time and taking away each others past sorrows. Rivers are flowing, ocean waves are crashing to the shore and we are each part of this consistently changing Universe. Reach out our hands and allow change in our hearts today, let us be aware of the solutions found around us in order find peace and love within us.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Perceptions are an extremely powerful force in our lives that are directly related to each and every feeling of hearts and distinguishing thoughts in our minds. The most common aspects of our perceptions are fear and faith. When we are rattled by situations in our lives, it is quite possible that we are looking at our current circumstance from the perception of a past we can't change or a future that we certainly can't see. There are things in life that will knock us back, occurrences that we don't see coming. We can look at it from the viewpoint of yesterday or tomorrow, allowing our minds to spin out of control; Or we can look down and see that our feet are planted right here in the present, giving us an opportunity to grasp onto the perception of faith that we will be able to forge ahead, realizing we will never be given anything we can't handle.

We must teach ourselves to accept the perceptions of others and never judge. Each of us has our own unique way of looking at life and nobody has a firm grasp on what others should think or feel. We will find that acceptance is our greatest asset in allowing everyone around us to discover peace in their own lives. No matter what happens inside each of us, rivers will still flow, seasons will change and night will turn into day; if we are able to comprehend the idea that we are a small part of this vast Universe eventually we will all be able to feel free from the fear that binds us and see that faith will carry us to the place of our dreams. Everyone has their own perceptions and the beautiful aspect of this is that they will effortlessly change at the moment that they are meant to, letting us discover the beauty that is within each of us.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Faith and Destination

There are times in our lives when moving on is essential for our own purpose of discovering the next fantastic experience awaiting us. Each day we have an opportunity to forge ahead by learning from yesterdays triumphs as well as missteps. So long as we are allowing ourselves to be willing and open minded enough to change there is nothing that we can't handle. Often times we may get wrapped up trying to figure out the exact reasons why certain situations do not go our way and we drag our past along with us. Like a big shadow we tend to cast blame on the occurrences that have already happened, things we can't change and the insecurities that follow them. Instead, we should make every attempt to find within ourselves new thoughts and a new direction to get to that place we really want to go. The only certainty about time is that it passes, we can move on from every moment by simply changing our thoughts toward the positive energy in and around us.

When we are stuck in moments that we can't seem to get out of and unsure of where to go next, we can find solace in the courage it takes to change our thoughts. We can concentrate on all of the gifts we have right there in palms of our hands and the faith that could be found in our hearts. The air we breathe, lives we may touch, imagination and hope. We are capable of turning fear and isolation into faith and destination one moment and one tiny risk at a time. As we allow ourselves to move ahead, letting go of yesterday and tomorrow there will be fantastic experiences waiting for us. Let the mystery unfold, letting go of fear and taking the little risks that will open us up to our greatest dreams.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hold onto Resources

We have infinite resources which we can reach for to grab onto life's miracles. Anyone that has ever achieved anything were not sure quite how they were going to get there, they simply believed that they were going to. Our journey begins new every day, no matter the situations that we are encountering at any given time we are capable of moving one step closer to our dreams. Certainly, we will encounter situations that have us feeling trapped and unsure where to go next; These are the times when it is necessary to let go of our fears and reach for inspiration that comes in many different forms. The one and only action we have to take is to be open to all of the resources put into our lives that will take us out of our own minds and touch our hearts.

Inside our own heads we tend to feel as though we can solve all of our issues when in fact we are rejecting the beauty that surrounds us. The spirit of others can be an invaluable resource in taking us out of the situations that rattle us at any given time. Each of us have insecurities and demons that effect us in different ways, sharing them lessens the burden of ever having to go through our individual stuff alone. When we are able to reach out and hold onto people that believe in us, music that moves us, stories that inspire, imagination that keeps us going and faith, we will surely find ourselves feeling alive inside. Let us not attempt to figure it all out with our minds, but let the resources of our hearts move us toward our grandest dreams.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Within our Reach

Creating the life we imagine will come with twists and turns that invariably will give us a new sense of freedom as we keep moving forward. As we teach ourselves to see beyond the walls in front of us we will be equipped to trust our instincts and stop fighting with each and every fear that holds us back. Our greatest insecurities are derived from a past that we can do nothing about except forgive ourselves, forgive others and move on. More than anything else we tend to shrink ourselves down to expectations that we learned from the circumstances of our past. It is easy to lay blame on our mistakes or our perceived mistakes of those surrounding us throughout our lifetime; The simple fact is we are set free by the truth and imagination that lies within each of us, as we let go of our past all that we can dream of is within our reach. No matter where we are right now, we can let go of yesterday and begin to create the life we imagine.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reach Out

Many situations will happen in our lives that we simply do not understand, when circumstances render us baffled, frustrated and angry. Our tendency is to over think each and every detail that has put our minds in disarray; Causing us to delve deeper and deeper into the fear of tomorrow and struggle to let go of our past. These are the moments in time when we have a dynamic need to change the direction of our thoughts and begin to allow ourselves to free up our hearts with faith that everything passes and never stays the same. Right now, in this very instant we all have the strength and power within us to move beyond the fear that binds us and rise above the hard feelings that drag us down. When we are at our most vulnerable and feeling as though we are at the edge of a disastrous cliff, we can feel safe knowing that there are willing hands to reach out to; the hands placed there by God in our perfect Universe.

Sometimes we allow pride and fear to work hand in hand, keeping us from dissolving frustration and pain that resides in our mind. We will intuitively learn that occasionally we simply can't survive all circumstances alone; the wonderful and spiritual aspect of this is realizing that we never ever have to. Our choice is simple, we can stay stuck in the raging waters of fear or reach out to the willing hands ready to pull us aboard the vessel floating down the river of hope. Once aboard, each of us can carry one another to the destinations of our greatest desires. Fear is a powerful force, however faith and trust command that we look inside our hearts in order to discover our greatest good. We can allow ourselves right now to reach out to the willing hands ready to guide us toward our greatest hope.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dream Together

One of the greatest fears we may encounter is allowing ourselves freedom to trust others and the world around us. Each of us have had and always will have situations arise in our lives when we feel misunderstood, weak or baffled by the circumstances that are going on inside of us. Often our tendency will be to shut down and isolate, cutting off opportunities to let ourselves be guided by positive energy that surrounds us. A great gift in life comes from the power of support that can be found by slowly dismantling the walls that we have built up around us up to this point. It is not an easy task, but by making little changes and taking tiny little risks each day we can teach ourselves to see beyond the walls in front of us and free ourselves from fear that binds us. We will gain independence by allowing ourselves to depend on the resources that have been perfectly placed around us and letting go of the idea that we have to handle life alone.

Each of us have an unlimited amount of hope that we can offer each other. The trick is to allow ourselves the freedom to receive these gifts and be willing to share our unique individual strength with all that we encounter. There are circumstances that will happen in our lifetime that we don't see coming, feelings that render us confused and isolated. As we teach ourselves that we are never alone we will discover that anything thrown our way can be eased by the simple concept of sharing and being open to the unlimited amount of resources that can be found with our own true independence. In the flow of The Universe we will discover the answers we seek by allowing ourselves dependence on the perfectly placed gifts all around us. The smile of a stranger, the company of an old friend, music that touches us in any given moment, envisioning a bed of golden sunflowers and the unlimited hope we can give each other. We can walk toward our most magnificent dreams together.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hold onto DREAMS

Hold onto our dreams while letting go of the distracting factors that cause us to feel as though we keep getting knocked back. Even when we are clear about a vision of what we are trying to accomplish on our journey there will be times when outside sources interfere with our intuition. These are the times to start taking little risks that have nothing to do with all that we believe from past situations. Too many times we look at the results of our past as negative things like "bad luck", "poor judgement" or "that is impossible". Fear may have us feeling as though we are being judged or held to a certain standard of living that simply does not allow us to feel alive inside our hearts. When we allow past experiences to dictate certain choices we make, it could conceivably force wonderful opportunities out of our lives. As we learn to live moment to moment and trust our instincts we'll be able to find that the great mystery unfolds beautifully all around us.

We are all imperfect, living in a perfect world. Mistakes happen, however so long as we are breathing, visualizing, accepting and staying in the flow of the Universe we have within us the capacity to be alive in our hearts and true to our souls. Most of the time our biggest detractors are caused by past situations and an uncertain future that we can't control. All of our past and all that will come have one thing in common which is that they each had a moment of right now. Just like rivers go through droughts, winters become spring, darkness turns to light and tiny seeds become colorful beds of flowers; We too can grow and change in any given moment. Hold onto our dreams no matter what happens to come our way, find what keeps us alive inside and create the life we imagine.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let Potential Flow

Sometimes we may find ourselves struggling to let go of situations that we can't control. We will find ourselves really trying to make things right because certain ideas seem so overwhelmingly beautiful in our minds, yet they just do not seem to flow in tune with our expectations. It is important to teach ourselves that our own actions are all that we can control and to leave the results in the plans of something far bigger than we are individually. One major part of following our dreams is having the ability to redirect ourselves toward them; Even if it means leaving behind people, places and anything else that hinders us from finding our bliss.

Now and then we may stumble across situations that seem like they have the potential for greatness, though they just do not seem to work for us no matter what actions we take. These situations can not be looked upon as failures, but as great lessons in letting go. We have the potential to be anything and do anything that we set out to do, so long as we realize that we must let go of expectations. Occasionally we will find ourselves swimming upstream to catch an elusive aspect of our desires. Instead, let us jump into our own individual raft and let it flow freely down the river of happiness. Take in the beautiful world all around and leave what troubles us behind. We will find that everything we truly need will be flowing down the river right along with us, toward our greatest dreams.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Each day a new journey begins, the moment in time that we are capable of issuing a statement to The Universe that we are ready for anything and everything that comes our way. We will make mistakes and certain things may not go as we plan them. These situations do not need to baffle us if we are trusting guidance from the source of good within. Out of fear that we may never comprehend, we expect too much out of ourselves and others. Expectations create false senses such as resentment, anxiety and entitlement which will always have us in fear of a future that we have no control over. We can teach ourselves to live in the moment by making tiny little changes everyday of our lives. Breaking up our routine just enough to make a slight difference in our thought process that will inevitably take us in the direction of our dreams. So long as there is air to breathe, sounds to hear and imagination in our soul we are capable of enduring and REVELING in all that the world sends our way.

There is no need for us to be disappointed in the cards we are dealt, we must find a way to simply play the hand the best way we can. Sometimes rain will fall on the day we intended to walk in the sun, instead of staying inside we can choose to run through the deepest puddles we can find. People we love may leave us, rather than decide what could have been, remember all that was great. The expectations in our minds may tell us that a dream is impossible when our hearts are telling us something completely opposite; Let us free our minds of fear that things will not go our way and REVEL in the deepest imagination of our soul. We will walk in the sun on a rainy day, enjoy every moment shared with others and follow our dreams wherever they may lead.