Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let Potential Flow

Sometimes we may find ourselves struggling to let go of situations that we can't control. We will find ourselves really trying to make things right because certain ideas seem so overwhelmingly beautiful in our minds, yet they just do not seem to flow in tune with our expectations. It is important to teach ourselves that our own actions are all that we can control and to leave the results in the plans of something far bigger than we are individually. One major part of following our dreams is having the ability to redirect ourselves toward them; Even if it means leaving behind people, places and anything else that hinders us from finding our bliss.

Now and then we may stumble across situations that seem like they have the potential for greatness, though they just do not seem to work for us no matter what actions we take. These situations can not be looked upon as failures, but as great lessons in letting go. We have the potential to be anything and do anything that we set out to do, so long as we realize that we must let go of expectations. Occasionally we will find ourselves swimming upstream to catch an elusive aspect of our desires. Instead, let us jump into our own individual raft and let it flow freely down the river of happiness. Take in the beautiful world all around and leave what troubles us behind. We will find that everything we truly need will be flowing down the river right along with us, toward our greatest dreams.

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