Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kick Start a Dream

Laughter cleanses your soul and can infect an entire room full of people. A confident smile can offer a burst of inspiration to anyone in any moment of time, giving them permission to kick start a dream. There is no greater gift in the world than the gift of hope, so feed it to anyone that is searching for it. Contentment, happiness and freedom within shines through us as we let go of our yesterdays in order to walk sharply in today.

Magical moments will happen in life when you are able to forgive people, situations and yourself for anything that hasn't quite gone your way. Remember, the world is never against you and life just happens.

Today~ find it within yourself to walk self assured, smile with confidence and laugh from the deepest part of your soul. Enjoy all of life's magical moments and KICK START YOUR DREAMS.

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