Thursday, February 19, 2009


Perceptions are an extremely powerful force in our lives that are directly related to each and every feeling of hearts and distinguishing thoughts in our minds. The most common aspects of our perceptions are fear and faith. When we are rattled by situations in our lives, it is quite possible that we are looking at our current circumstance from the perception of a past we can't change or a future that we certainly can't see. There are things in life that will knock us back, occurrences that we don't see coming. We can look at it from the viewpoint of yesterday or tomorrow, allowing our minds to spin out of control; Or we can look down and see that our feet are planted right here in the present, giving us an opportunity to grasp onto the perception of faith that we will be able to forge ahead, realizing we will never be given anything we can't handle.

We must teach ourselves to accept the perceptions of others and never judge. Each of us has our own unique way of looking at life and nobody has a firm grasp on what others should think or feel. We will find that acceptance is our greatest asset in allowing everyone around us to discover peace in their own lives. No matter what happens inside each of us, rivers will still flow, seasons will change and night will turn into day; if we are able to comprehend the idea that we are a small part of this vast Universe eventually we will all be able to feel free from the fear that binds us and see that faith will carry us to the place of our dreams. Everyone has their own perceptions and the beautiful aspect of this is that they will effortlessly change at the moment that they are meant to, letting us discover the beauty that is within each of us.

1 comment:

Delaney said...

hi kyle you are a very good actor!