Sunday, March 1, 2009


A simple, yet effective solution to dealing with grief and pain is to be aware of our surroundings. We can find comfort in knowing that life just simply is not going to always be easy and everything will not always go our way. We have choices in every situation that occurs in our lives, usually the toughest aspect is looking at our part and making a decision to see what changes we could make within us to bring ourselves joy and serenity. By being aware of our surroundings we will see that we are not alone, that the World stays in motion and that if we are stuck it is only because we are choosing to stay that way. Seasons will change, nights will turn to day and flowers will continue to blossom no matter what is going on inside of us. So long as we are breathing, have a little faith and are able to see the changes happening all around us, we have the opportunity to change the thoughts going on within our minds.

Each and every day new life is brought into this world and other lives move onto some other place. New seeds are sown and beautiful flowers begin their process of becoming recognizable symbols of hope and love. Someplace on this earth an artist has just brushed the first stroke of their next masterpiece and someone is realizing a dream they have had since childhood. It is possible that our next door neighbors are in need of a kind hearted smile and we have the chance to give that to them. There is a place where two people are falling in love, touching each others hands for the very first time and taking away each others past sorrows. Rivers are flowing, ocean waves are crashing to the shore and we are each part of this consistently changing Universe. Reach out our hands and allow change in our hearts today, let us be aware of the solutions found around us in order find peace and love within us.

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