Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soul Filled Connections

Hope will be found in the consistency of our lives. Connections we make that simply do not fail us, no matter where we are at any given time. Our soul filled connections will eventually be a channel that carries us forward even in our most trying times. Each day there are certain events that happen that are consistent in the always changing world around us that we can be certain of; rivers flow, day turns to night, people enter and also leave the earth, there is always air to breathe and inspiration to be found. When we are stuck in the middle of our toughest moments there will always be those connections we can make that simply will not fail us. Let us always be thankful for them, be aware that they are there and reach for them when we need to be carried forward. Let us also not be afraid to be that consistent connection for others, because our own hope and our own individual promise will eventually be a channel of faith for someone else.

No matter what has happened in our past or what may possibly happen in an uncertain future, we need to always be grateful for all the promise we can find right now. We are never too far from our dreams and we can find a connection to them so long as we are willing to see the beauty in the constant events of The Universe. We can be confident that every storm passes, that every step taken, we are getting closer to peace and happiness. We can learn to trust our instincts and let our fears of yesterday and tomorrow go where they belong, far away from right now. Let us allow ourselves to reach out to the soul filled connections that can be found in the world around us; visions of a magnificent bed of Sunflowers, music that touches our hearts, the brilliance of a curious child's eyes and the spirit of the people who believe in us. In turn, we can have faith in ourselves, to be that connection to everyone and everything around us.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Simple Connections

Love will drive us to find inspiration that could take us away from all of our troubles, launching us into moments of simple pleasures and fantastic hope of a better tomorrow. No matter where we find ourselves there are certain connections in life that will surely make us realize what is most important. If we can teach ourselves to look at the world again as children do we will discover that our imagination can take us to any place that we really want to go, without limitation. Somewhere along the line in our lives we learn to judge outside circumstances and allow them to leave us crippled in fear. Children simply look at what is in front of them with awe, with a keen sense of discovery and a purpose to live as large as the world around them.

We have the capacity to dream of any life we choose and to get there by allowing ourselves to find hope in life's simple connections. The smile of an old friend, holding the door for a stranger or a song that moves us can give us moments of delicate freedom. The sparkle in a child's eyes can lift our spirits no matter what may be happening in our lives at any time. There is no age limit to getting "butterflies" when we see that person that touches our soul with a simple touch of their hand. Right now we can start teaching ourselves to let go of fear and begin again, looking at the world around us in awe, with a keen sense of discovery and start to live purposefully as large as the world around us. Let us walk confidently in the direction of our dreams holding onto life's simple connections.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Place within all of us

There is a place within everyone where dreams come true, faith prevails and hope shines through. Each of us have it within us to allow a fantastic light brighten our souls and the entire world around us. Much too often we fear letting that light shine more than we do letting darkness keep us down. In our perfect Universe, each day the sun will rise and fall, rivers will flow and new life will be born. As we keep putting one foot in front of the other, allowing for the great mystery to unfold we have a chance to create a life beyond our wildest dreams; our own worst enemy is within us. When we let fear of moving forward cripple us we will find ourselves struggling within ourselves. The journey begins with a thought and a step, faith that we will get to that wonderful place that resides in each of our hearts, the place of hope and dreams.

No matter where we have been or we think we are in this moment we can reach out and hold onto love. Feel the warm embrace of a friend, the smile in a child's eyes or the beauty of music that moves us. All around us there is some sort of hope to grasp, we need to take a leap of faith and hold on with all the love inside of us. Let us make a decision in this moment to leave our troubles behind, move forward and be in awe as the mystery unfolds. We will grow each day like a blossoming sunflower, rise just the like the moon and love will flow into our lives like fantastic streams making their way down our most magnificent mountains. It is within all of us to get to that place we really want to go.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

One Step Now

There will be times in our lives when we are feeling trapped by circumstances that we can't control; When reliance on FAITH inside our hearts is all that we can turn to. It is quite possible to find ourselves completely rattled by current circumstances that have everything to do with past troubles and overwhelming fear of what will happen tomorrow. It is in these times when the most difficult action we can take is accepting where we are right now and putting one foot forward. Fear can cripple us mentally, physically and spiritually and keep us stuck in the two moments in time that we can't change. We tend to allow yesterday and tomorrow to control our very being. Peace can only be found in our hearts as we teach ourselves to rely on some power far greater than ourselves to carry us through in this very moment. We are but a tiny piece of the great puzzle, yet each of us have enough light within us to illuminate all of the world around us.

Our journey begins new each day with one single step toward faith a Great Power that is bigger than even our most vivid imagination. The beautiful part of all of this is that our choice of that Power is working for us in every single moment; In the breaths we take, the visions we see, the people we reach out to and those reaching out to us. Though we may find ourselves running against the wind or in the middle of a great storm, we can change our direction at any given time just by knowing that we will never be given more than we can handle. We can take one single breath, look up and reach out in order to move forward right now. Trust and FAITH will carry us up the most insurmountable mountains, allow us to soar in the vast blue skies and grow like a fantastic bed of sunflowers. Though each of us are different we can carry each other to our grandest dreams. Right now, accept where we are, breathe in Faith and take one step toward the life we imagine.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


A simple, yet effective solution to dealing with grief and pain is to be aware of our surroundings. We can find comfort in knowing that life just simply is not going to always be easy and everything will not always go our way. We have choices in every situation that occurs in our lives, usually the toughest aspect is looking at our part and making a decision to see what changes we could make within us to bring ourselves joy and serenity. By being aware of our surroundings we will see that we are not alone, that the World stays in motion and that if we are stuck it is only because we are choosing to stay that way. Seasons will change, nights will turn to day and flowers will continue to blossom no matter what is going on inside of us. So long as we are breathing, have a little faith and are able to see the changes happening all around us, we have the opportunity to change the thoughts going on within our minds.

Each and every day new life is brought into this world and other lives move onto some other place. New seeds are sown and beautiful flowers begin their process of becoming recognizable symbols of hope and love. Someplace on this earth an artist has just brushed the first stroke of their next masterpiece and someone is realizing a dream they have had since childhood. It is possible that our next door neighbors are in need of a kind hearted smile and we have the chance to give that to them. There is a place where two people are falling in love, touching each others hands for the very first time and taking away each others past sorrows. Rivers are flowing, ocean waves are crashing to the shore and we are each part of this consistently changing Universe. Reach out our hands and allow change in our hearts today, let us be aware of the solutions found around us in order find peace and love within us.