Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fantastic Connections

There are many lessons to learn from simply watching the connections in the world. Our fears and worries are accumulated over time from unnecessary beliefs that we are defined by the current conditions of our lives. One of the biggest missteps you can make is to judge someone else or worse, judge yourself for the situation you're presently in. Don't let the disillusionment of yesterday or the uncertainty of tomorrow stop you from making a worthwhile connection to the world around you today.

There are people and occurrences in our lives that will have us feeling bound by doubt in our minds. By allowing yourself to see the beautiful connections surrounding you, seemingly small actions can catapult your life in the direction of your dreams. Ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, the answer will sometimes astound you and always bring a smile to your face. No matter how you're feeling, skipping down the street will evoke a sense of fearlessness in your heart. Take time to notice a single flower that is sprouting alongside many others and know that you are also growing. Dare to make a slight change in your daily routine each day and stay in motion, taking in all of life's fantastic connections.

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