Saturday, January 3, 2009


Each day a new journey begins, the moment in time that we are capable of issuing a statement to The Universe that we are ready for anything and everything that comes our way. We will make mistakes and certain things may not go as we plan them. These situations do not need to baffle us if we are trusting guidance from the source of good within. Out of fear that we may never comprehend, we expect too much out of ourselves and others. Expectations create false senses such as resentment, anxiety and entitlement which will always have us in fear of a future that we have no control over. We can teach ourselves to live in the moment by making tiny little changes everyday of our lives. Breaking up our routine just enough to make a slight difference in our thought process that will inevitably take us in the direction of our dreams. So long as there is air to breathe, sounds to hear and imagination in our soul we are capable of enduring and REVELING in all that the world sends our way.

There is no need for us to be disappointed in the cards we are dealt, we must find a way to simply play the hand the best way we can. Sometimes rain will fall on the day we intended to walk in the sun, instead of staying inside we can choose to run through the deepest puddles we can find. People we love may leave us, rather than decide what could have been, remember all that was great. The expectations in our minds may tell us that a dream is impossible when our hearts are telling us something completely opposite; Let us free our minds of fear that things will not go our way and REVEL in the deepest imagination of our soul. We will walk in the sun on a rainy day, enjoy every moment shared with others and follow our dreams wherever they may lead.

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