Sunday, March 8, 2009

One Step Now

There will be times in our lives when we are feeling trapped by circumstances that we can't control; When reliance on FAITH inside our hearts is all that we can turn to. It is quite possible to find ourselves completely rattled by current circumstances that have everything to do with past troubles and overwhelming fear of what will happen tomorrow. It is in these times when the most difficult action we can take is accepting where we are right now and putting one foot forward. Fear can cripple us mentally, physically and spiritually and keep us stuck in the two moments in time that we can't change. We tend to allow yesterday and tomorrow to control our very being. Peace can only be found in our hearts as we teach ourselves to rely on some power far greater than ourselves to carry us through in this very moment. We are but a tiny piece of the great puzzle, yet each of us have enough light within us to illuminate all of the world around us.

Our journey begins new each day with one single step toward faith a Great Power that is bigger than even our most vivid imagination. The beautiful part of all of this is that our choice of that Power is working for us in every single moment; In the breaths we take, the visions we see, the people we reach out to and those reaching out to us. Though we may find ourselves running against the wind or in the middle of a great storm, we can change our direction at any given time just by knowing that we will never be given more than we can handle. We can take one single breath, look up and reach out in order to move forward right now. Trust and FAITH will carry us up the most insurmountable mountains, allow us to soar in the vast blue skies and grow like a fantastic bed of sunflowers. Though each of us are different we can carry each other to our grandest dreams. Right now, accept where we are, breathe in Faith and take one step toward the life we imagine.

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