Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Beyond The Walls

We will all encounter situations in our lives that baffle us, leave us insecure, afraid and without much hope. However, there are a tremendous amount of gifts that we can find during times of pain and confusion. The hard part is deciding to open ourselves up to them. Many times, throughout our lives we are taught to be hard, to be fierce and independent of feeling any pain. We construct walls around us so there is no way of seeing anything except the heartache, resentments and fear that keeps us behind those walls. There will people in our lives, situations that occur and an incredible amount of trust lost that will keep us down, but only if we allow it. There is a flip side, a trick and a beauty of transcending our defenses and letting go of all that we can't control. We tend to hold onto anger and fear because we are not certain of any other way and that we just may be inadequate. Right now, this very minute anyone at anytime can begin to make anything possible and it all begins with a decision to let go of all things we can't control.

With one small yet encouraging step we can begin to see beyond the walls in front of us and into the fantastic world around us. The world where Sunflowers blossom into beautiful visions of hope. Where the sun rises above and then descends into our vast oceans. Somehow rivers flow gently in places, and their current picks up in others en route to an unknown destination. Eagles soar into the night amid the whistling winds of our atmosphere. Each day life is replenished when a child is born and a soul has left it's earthly realm; all of this happens perfectly and out of our control. Our actions and our thoughts are what gives us freedom to live, to dream and to be useful to each other. In the grand scheme of things we are but small pieces of the great mystery, but with all the power and energy to lighten up the world of someone else with our smile, our touch and our faith. It may take some work to see beyond our walls, but if done with trust and self assurance it will not seem like work at all. We can begin to leave our troubles behind, to rise above hurt and reach out to anything and anyone we can discover hope in. If we are truly searching for promise of better tomorrows we must learn to see beyond the walls in front of us.

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