Sunday, September 28, 2008

Magic of Giving

Everyone has something to give in order to stay in constant motion of the Universe. When we can readily give of ourselves it is impossible to stay stuck in our own life's dilemmas and struggles. Many times when things do not seem to be going our way; our first instinct is to wallow and back ourselves into a corner, wondering why situations have occurred or fearing the uncertainty of what will happen next. There is a wonderful way out of these moments; step back and reach out, lending ourselves to jump back into the flow of life's wonderful journey.

There are countless ways to give and each of us have something to offer. An easy unassuming smile to a friend or holding the door for a stranger are simple tasks that may brighten the day for someone else. No matter what is happening in our own lives we can always make the time to really listen and support someone else; realizing that we do not have to know the answers, only to understand that nobody ever has to feel alone. We can donate blood or clothes without wondering where they'll end up. We can give just a little time to an elderly person that just needs a little bit of human connection, we will receive the gift of wisdom without even realizing it. We can freely dance around with a child and feel the presence of hope and imagination in our hearts. By singing at the top of our lungs, a song that moves us, we give others permission to step out of themselves and drift away into that harmony. Each day let us find something to give of ourselves; step back and watch in awe as we discover the magic of giving.

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