Saturday, October 4, 2008

Abundant sources of Inspiration

There are abundant sources of inspiration to be found throughout our lives. All we have to do is turn our thoughts toward the idea of being inspired and allowing our actions to inspire others. The wonderful and simple fact of this is that we never need to go out of our way or look to justify them, we just need to allow them to flow into our world. We can discover much about ourselves by letting go of fear that makes us feel inadequate or different from others; understand that everyone has great gifts to offer one another. Without even knowing it our simple words and actions may cause a stir in anyone at anytime, binding us to our common source of energy that keeps humanity flowing.

We are granted a great choice of who and what we hold onto in our lives, keeping this in mind we can allow ourselves to be open to any and all possibilities. In times when we struggle to figure out what will happen next or we are holding on to what has happened in the past, each of us is capable of discovering in this precise moment a source of inspiration that will snap us out of it. Allowing our imagination to guide us we can envision beautiful sunrises over the vast ocean crest, see the world around us with the curiosity and innocence of a child or find in our souls a smile to brighten the day of someone else. Today let us jump into life to find inspiration and more importantly take one small action to inspire another. Share the magic that is within each of us and be in awe of the abundant sources of inspiration.

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