Saturday, September 27, 2008


We can find out much about ourselves by observing and exploring the vast world around us. There are times in our lives when we will overwhelmed, wrapped up in our minds and fixated on what has happened or what is to come next. These are the best times to stop what we are doing and realize that The Universe is revolving around us and not the other way around. No matter what has happened in our life already, we are in no position to change it. We can only learn from our experiences and be certain that the lessons can benefit another in any specific moment along the way. Though we can't be sure what will happen tomorrow, we can be readily prepared for it by teaching ourselves to understand that everything we encounter is a moment in time with a possibility to cultivate new freedom and happiness within our souls. It is not within some of us, but all of us to bring to each other harmony and the beautiful gifts of our unique presence; we will begin to feel whole by exploring the fantastical world around us.

We can feel our hearts begin to rise by observing a soaring hawk above mountain tops or comprehending that within the most dense forests there is vast life moving about and breathing the same air as ourselves. Under the exact same moon and stars of night there are people from our largest cities and most desolate towns affecting the Universe in each of their own unique ways, with their own distinct purpose. We can see ourselves in everyone and everything around us and find confidence in our own purpose when we take a moment to appreciate all of the distinct gifts that are consistently flowing around us. Let us always be present and explore like children; with innocence, non-judgement and awe the beautiful world around us. We will discover within our souls the freedom and harmony which allows us to be self assured that our individual purpose will help create the perfect energy surrounding us. Dare to dream our biggest dreams in order to allow others to do the same.

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