Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Grateful Heart

There are no feelings that can overcome a GRATEFUL HEART. Each day is filled with new adventures, new challenges and new mysteries. No matter what is happening in our lives we can be assured that these times will pass and from each circumstance there is a lesson to be learned. When life is flowing in a positive direction and seems to be falling into place, let us be grateful for the gifts that are opening up to us in these moments. Sometimes we feel as though the world is crashing around us and there is no place to go, let us be grateful for the lessons we can learn in these instances. There is always much to be grateful for and all we need to do is look around us to feel the gratitude within us.We will find that by gearing our thoughts in this direction and truly discovering the many gifts of The Universe, our energy will feed all of our strongest desires.

Simple pleasures in our lives are the source for discovering serenity and peace at any time. Savor the taste of our favorite foods, let the twinkle in a child's eyes sink into our souls, sing at the top of our lungs; the songs that move us and share an affectionate smile with a stranger. We can surprise ourselves by taking the time to write down everything we are grateful for... air we breathe, sights we see and sounds we hear. The comfort of a seat cushion, a dollar in our pocket or the rain that helps cultivate blossoming flowers; a message from an old friend and the freedom to imagine, the world around us is full of wonderful gifts. When we are grateful from the heart we will feel the wind at our backs, taking us to that place we really want to go.

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