Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Prize

Our journey will inevitably flow toward our biggest dreams when we teach ourselves to live in the moment. Keeping our "Eye on the Prize" is a quick way to rattle ourselves with fear and possibly quit before the miracles happen along the way. Each day we receive little gifts that will show us that not only are we being directed toward our deepest desires, but there are no fantasies that are too big. Many times we are taught to be a certain way or strive for something "realistic", this forces us to look ahead instead of being aware in any instant that we are exactly where we should be. If others are not in tune with our greatest wishes, we must realize that our purpose is not to be who everyone else intended us to be. We are all meant to shine in unique ways that are true within us and will illuminate everyone and everything around us along the way.

Keep fear where it belongs, along side of us on all of our terrific adventures. As we learn to do this and take tiny risks we will become aware of the constant flowing energy that is around us and have the opportunity to seize the moments which can bring us to life. We may suddenly realize that our thoughts are powerful and life's moments which we tend to take for granted will have us enchanted. Forceful rains are consistently feeding blossoming flowers. Music we remember when we were kids can allow us to dream as though we are young once again. We may find ourselves enriched by the smile of a stranger or reconnecting with an old friend. Becoming aware of the world around us may turn us on to new ideas and the possibilities of learning more about what is evolving inside our hearts and discovering what feeds the soul of someone else. Our greatest prize does not come to us in the form of the end result, but in the freedom of loving each step of the journey.

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