Friday, August 29, 2008

Trust the Voice

Let us trust the voice that tells us to simply try something new and understand that no matter the results, we will gain more insight. It is those that chase dreams that are most likely to catch them. By allowing ourselves to take tiny risks each day we will discover our passion and be able to trust all that has been unseen until this point. One of the most simple risks we can take at any moment is to admit that we do not have the answers or truly know what the results will be. Many of us have been taught that we "control our destiny" and out of fear we tend to go along trying to adhere to the outside influences in our lives. True freedom comes from following our own instincts and intuitions, creating our own path and being grateful for every opportunity to discover what makes us tick. Our individual passion can't be seen, but it is certainly living and calling us from our souls. Each day, let us begin to listen to that voice within and trust that by taking action, the results will be magnificent.

Sometimes we are afraid to follow our passion out of fear of feeling selfish. This can cause us to self destruct or feel empty inside. The simple fact is that if we are true to our own calling we are better able to serve everyone and everything around us. The moment we discover our true desire we can begin to walk confidently knowing that we are allowing others to do the same. We will become in tune with the forever changing world around us, more tolerant of others, better lovers, live with a clearer purpose and self assured in each of our actions. We each have a voice, an inner fervor that can and will deliver to us to that place we really want to go. Simply trust our instincts and enjoy the journey.

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