Friday, August 8, 2008


Fear and insecurity are most often rooted in our minds while faith and confidence exudes from within our hearts and souls. We often become paralyzed by the idea that we need to be perfect in everything that we do in order to gain acceptance from everyone around us. It is impossible to find contentment by over thinking and over analyzing each of our actions. When we are first accepting of our own imperfections we can then allow ourselves not to judge others and learn to enjoy everyone's unique talent and contributions. There is comfort in understanding that in our perfect Universe we are all fallible. However, when our hearts are in the right place we will discover that our independent growth comes from the mistakes we make and the acceptance of others.

There truly is good in the worst of us- fear and insecurity can bring out the worst in the best of us. Just as we have no power of what the future may bring us or change what the past has done to us, we can't possibly change anyone else. When we begin making changes within ourselves we will find that it possible to walk tall with confidence and let our heart lead us. We will accept the world for what it is and leave the anger, resentment and fear of our minds behind us. Let us do our best to live the right way, give hope to the hopeless, find within our hearts the faith that can take us to that place we really want to go and accept the things we can't change. Find the courage in our hearts and souls to follow our dreams wherever they may lead. Let faith and confidence walk hand in hand from our hearts and enjoy the perfect journey.

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