Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shift Toward Giving

We will gain astonishing results within ourselves by simply shifting our thoughts toward giving. Many times we wrap ourselves up in what we are trying to accomplish or what we are looking to receive. We may be frustrated and filled with the fear that we will not get what we are searching for. It is then that we may take a step back to regroup ourselves and reach out to someone else. When we realize that all of our wants and desires can and will be achieved in the time they are supposed to, we can then focus on turning ourselves over to offer love and support to others. We can accomplish much by trying less and giving more of the gifts we each have to offer.

Some of us may ask, "How can I give when I don't have anything to offer?". The simple truth is that each of us have unique qualities and an ability to listen. We will find that our experience may benefit someone else going through situations that we have faced. By listening we could discover that we may share similar hopes and dreams with someone else. At any moment we can share a confident smile with a stranger, taking each other away from ourselves and jump starting our day. There is complete joy in helping a child learn to walk or ride a bike and we will find inspiration in the way they keep getting up after they fall. A simple call to an old friend may come to them the exact moment that they need to break free of their own fears and anxiety. We need not delay the gift of giving because the action keeps us in constant flow with the world around us. Let us be grateful and take pleasure in all of the gifts that we possess and remember that there is plenty to share. Shift our thoughts toward giving of ourselves and be astonished at the results within our hearts.

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