Saturday, August 16, 2008

Choose to Smile

A smile creates wonders and amazement in the world around us. No matter what has happened in our lives or will happen along our path a smile is universally understood. This simple gesture allows us to go about our journey with confidence. There will be times when we are tormented by our own history, fearing for no reason what has happened yesterday or years ago. If we have learned anything from this it is that we are still here and we have reason to smile. Other times we may feel as though we are stuck and fear for no reason at all what is going to come of us tomorrow or years down the road. In this moment we can take the time to look around and realize we have come this far and have a reason to smile. We can't find joy in yesterday or tomorrow, but we can smile right now at the great memories and the beautiful dreams that lie within us.

Start each morning by saying thanks for the air we breathe, the visions we see, sounds we hear and our desire to love and be loved. Our own unique hopes and dreams can be shared with anyone and everything, not by words, but by a confident smile. A gesture that truly doesn't take much of our own energy can give an enormous amount of strength, freedom, spirit and hope to someone else. A smile is forceful, mysterious, loving, kind and most importantly will keep us in the moment. At any point we can find joy in the tenderness of a mother and child, peace in understanding that we are never alone, freedom in the music that moves our soul and simply realize that right now we have a choice to begin the next part of our journey. We can jump start someone else's day and have our own day take off to new and exciting heights by simply smiling!

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