Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Acceptance is the backbone of creating the life that we imagine. Until this exact moment, our lives have been shaped by a countless number of circumstances, people, events and our own individual perceptions. There is a tremendous amount of joy in discovering within our own hearts the freedom to establish contentment in our lives. We can begin at any moment the process of forgiveness, letting go, changing our perceptions and creating the wonderful life that we desire.The beauty of it is that we never have to stop moving in that direction, because when we discover our bliss the world will open up an abundance of happiness.

It is impossible to know for certain what lies ahead of us, however true freedom is conceived with the thought of letting go of our past. There are no rules that say our background must dictate to us what lies in our hearts and feeds our souls. All around us change is occurring consistently. The very same source of energy that turns frigid winter nights into bright spring afternoons, tiny little seeds into wonderful golden sunflowers and blank canvases into masterful works of art is within each of us. Once we accept where we are in this moment we can begin to personalize our deepest desires and leave our fear behind us. There is no set time in our lives to stop growing and discovering all of the fantastic elements that will make us feel alive. No matter what has occurred in our lifetime, only we can be the change that we desire to find in the world by creating our own unique and individual perceptions. Jump on in to the flowing river of love and happiness, in there we will find new circumstances, people and events that will accompany us toward our biggest dreams.

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