Sunday, July 27, 2008


Imagination frees our souls, allows us to see above limitations and beyond the perceptions our minds have been programmed to display. Beneath the surface of everything and everyone we encounter is an amazing source of possibilities. Many of us are nurtured to believe certain things and become adept at following the "rules" given to us by outside beliefs that may not be in our hearts. Within all of us is an opportunity to soar beyond the limits of the familiar and toward our greatest dreams.

No matter what our passion is, each of us can create new and exciting ways to achieve our bliss by allowing ourselves to be open to any and all possibilities. The journey begins now, walk self assured following our instincts and we will find that each step brings us the potential of a new and dazzling discovery. A curious child's first step is followed by many stirring moments of revelation. Our greatest artwork was created on a blank canvas with one single stroke of a brush, on it's way to becoming a masterpiece. Breathtaking structures begin with a great vision and a first brick. Our potential is limitless when we TRUST ALL MAGICAL INSTINCTS.

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