Saturday, July 19, 2008


Let us find simplicity in all that we do, creating the most direct route to our bliss. There are no such things as obstacles, only stepping stones toward our great purpose. We can find the most wonderful rewards in many of the things we take for granted. Warm sunshine on our face, air to breathe and the imagery of our most vivid daydreams.

By keeping our lives simple and accepting the world around us we can begin the process of change. There is a certain beauty in changing the things we can, adjusting to the outside by focusing on what drives our inside desires. Each day we can make tiny little adjustments by consciously allowing ourselves to do something different. Change up our route on daily activities, left shoe before the right, we can wear our watch on the opposite wrist for one day, listen to music that we have never heard or read a book instead of watching television. The simplicity in these changes allows us to stay in motion with the consistently
evolving Universe, opening up new and exciting pathways on our journey. We will open up the doors to new freedoms and discoveries while teaching ourselves to accept whatever may come our way. Let's keep it simple and watch in awe as our dreams really do come true.

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