Friday, July 18, 2008

Humility and Usefulness

Let us attempt to see ourselves in everything and everyone around us. We will soon discover a humility and usefulness that allows us to soar freely and in harmony on life's wonderful excursion. To pass judgement or gossip about others is poison to ourselves and all that is wonderful about GOD's artwork. Each of us has a specific purpose and it is possible to see the good in what we perceive as bad and the bad in what we perceive as good. Humility and usefulness enters our lives when we are willing to CHANGE our perceptions and adjust to the constant flow of the Universe.

Though we can't change the world by ourselves, we certainly have it within us to change the way we view the world around us. No matter where we are on our journey, as long as there is air in our lungs and the slightest bit of imagination in our hearts, we can begin to steadily move toward our purpose. Empathize instead of judging, see ourselves in all of of Earth's fantastic miracles and make time each day to be thankful for every breath we take. Let us find humility in knowing that we are but a small piece of an amazing mystery. We will be useful to everyone and everything that surrounds us by walking confidently toward our dreams and allowing others to do the same.

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