Friday, July 11, 2008

Rely on the MYSTERY

When we rely on the MYSTERY, we will find that all things unfolding around us are a constant source of inspiration and enlightenment. We truly have no idea which way the wind will take us or the opportunities that will come to us in every situation of our lives. Our best course of action is to confidently believe in our purpose and create new and exciting ways of fulfilling it by trusting our instincts and allowing The Universe to take us to that place we really want to go. We must be humble enough to know that our only power comes in the form of the action we take, the results are a wonderful mystery.

Walk on, with self assurance toward the passion that drives us and let us adjust accordingly to all of the situations life puts in our path. Learn from mistakes as well as successes, take tiny risks that will make us feel alive and trust the process of the ever changing world around us. We can leave behind our past while holding onto the memories that have taught us that we must keep on going. We can believe in a future that will bring smiles to our faces and LOVE in our hearts. However, it is right now, this instant when we can know for certain that flowers are blooming, children are glowing with curiosity, nights will turn to days and we are part of the great puzzle. Right now, we all have command of our next action, take it without fear and rely on the MYSTERY.

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