Monday, November 9, 2015


“These times are so uncertain, a yearning undefined and people filled with rage. We all need a little tenderness; how can love survive in such a graceless age?” ~Don Henley

Today I write from the place of forgiveness, simply the greatest place in The Universe. Life’s relationships, situations, events, and moments will help to shape us into the people we will become. It is a perpetual journey of discovery and learning. Often enough, our own uncertainty about the thoughts and feelings within our minds and hearts will have us either running away or diving into life in order to live it fully. We will make mistakes and we will make judgments to look back on and learn from. The super part of looking back is it gives us the opportunity to grow so long as we make an effort, in this moment, to be better than yesterday.

I have had a hard time writing this blog for several months as I’ve been working through a huge discovery within myself. I felt as though I was being “judged” and once again, in my life full of lessons, I had to take a good hard look, not so much of choices I made, but of feelings that I never allowed myself to feel. What I did discover is that I’M ALIVE and each and every challenge life has thrown at me has given me the ability to forgive and at least attempt to understand others, myself, and my desires. I traveled and have a rejuvenated fondness of nature. I’m now in position to make some really big choices about what I want to do, where I want to be and the type of person I want to be with. Decisions that I will trust to be the right ones, which will take me exactly to the place I’m supposed to be. The more open I become to life’s possibilities, the more other people have been opening up to me. Some people have confessed to me very personal struggles they are going through; when we are able to come out the other side of our own challenges we become available to understand others and be a source of comfort and encouragement. To be able to empathize and guide others brings us closer to our purpose, which is forgiveness and understanding.  

Today, I am aware of my fears and I embrace them momentarily so that I can let them go. My mind along with my heart is open enough to start over and more importantly forgive myself and everyone else. Today, I can walk through the fire with confidence that my life will be full and I have had the opportunity to make the lives of others just a little bit better. I’m going to laugh, do things I’ve never done, embrace the world, and love with all the madness in my soul. I hope beyond hope that everyone finds their way and when they do; that they will be challenged again so life doesn’t get too easy. I want everyone to find the beauty in sharing their independence with another. I want people to create the world they imagine around them and within them. It won’t always be easy, this I understand.    

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