Saturday, August 1, 2015

Perfection of a Moment

“Experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing”~ Oscar Wilde

I’ve had my share of both pain and bliss, the common connection is each feeling happened in a specific moment that has shaped my life thus far. We go through life a moment at a time and it is always specific experiences that bring us closer to our truest self. Life is precious and beautiful and never ever perfect. In a split second, everything can and will change as we navigate our way through. A perfect moment will cause a redirect in us whether it is joyful or painful.

Online, you can find a vast number of resources delving into the stuff that makes people tick. Articles, websites, pages, and any variety of columns throw all different advice out there about handling life’s “situations”. The only real thing we can do about life is to live it; to move through moments the best way we know how that instant. I for one, find most knowledge I truly need in the little messages on the strings draped over the side of my cups of tea. Things like “Love, compassion, and kindness are the anchors of life” or “Live with reverence of yourself and others”. This morning, I awoke to an amazing sunrise over the vast ocean that connects all of us in one way or another. I stopped my thoughts in their place when they drifted toward who or what was missing in my life; a step back to realize I was in the perfect moment right then and there.

We create our lives in each step we walk and breath we take, our brains functioning at light speed moving us through what amounts to be a very short amount of time. Each and every day anyone has an opportunity, no matter where their thoughts are, to reestablish the moment by taking it in and realizing that it is perfect. I dream often of my future. Who will I share my life with? What I will be doing? Where will I be living and traveling etc. I also find myself questioning the things I have done to get me to the place I am right now; challenges, mistakes, triumphs and losses. Many times all these thoughts go scrambling around my mind all at once and it becomes tiresome when I let it. In essence, I have a scrambled mind and the beauty of that is I’m alive! At any moment I can accept where I am and move forward the best I can. Contrary to certain mechanisms in my brain, the best I can is ALWAYS good enough. This is the same for everyone as we all have our lives to live, challenges to face, and love to share.

Another great Tea quote is “The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment”. Laugh at yourself when you feel you’ve blundered; know that the next moment is just right! Forgive quickly, love fully, be kind, dream big, make your mistakes and when your thoughts are in overdrive, know that you’re in the perfect moment. 

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