Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Magic of a Grateful Heart

We can decide each day to discover new and exciting ways to enrich our spirit, be good to others and open doorways to our greatest desires. In the consistent flow of The Universe there are countless choices we can make in order to evoke peace of mind, joy in our hearts and freedom of our souls. There will be times when we feel stuck or unsure of what to do next; We can take our time in following our dreams so long as we keep moving in the direction of them. Letting go of our past frees us from the ties that bind us. Each moment that we forget our fears of tomorrow, we allow ourselves to open up the pathways that may lead us to our greatest purpose. Do not be afraid of anything this moment, there tiny little miracles happening that are ultimately going to get us to that place we really want to go.

There is no need to concentrate on all of the parts of life we are powerless over, for that leaves us without choices. Instead, let us look at the gifts that we hold in the palms of our hands right now and choose to be grateful. After every cloudy day there will be sunshine to warm our faces. A smile and a helping hand can bring a moment of joy anyone that we encounter. By walking confidently toward our own unique dreams we are giving permission for others to do the same. The sparkle in a child's eyes can allow us to begin to dream again and rediscover our imagination. Music that reminds us of an old and dear friend can bring us freedom of the soul and a smile to our face. In this moment, we all have a reason to believe in the magic of a grateful heart.

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