Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Place We Really Want To Go

It is impossible to ever know just how we may get to the place we really want to go, but a joyful journey awaits us when we are willing to take little risks that are geared toward our wildest dreams. There will be moments when we simply don't know where to go or what to do next; The magic formula is within each of our souls, an imagination that can carry us above all limitations and beyond the constraint of time. There is no way of knowing what tomorrow may bring to us or any way of bringing back our yesterdays. However, no matter where we are or what we are doing in this moment we can direct our thoughts toward our deepest desires, allowing ourselves to actually feel within our hearts that we are moving in the direction of our dreams.

Others, that do not understand what is happening inside our hearts may often try to discourage us or put their own time constraint on our desires. We must allow them to find their own way and have their own beliefs. We can teach ourselves to build upon our own wishes, to find our own way and stay steadily on the course of our own unique passion. We will discover along the way that little pieces will fall into place, tiny little miracles that show us we are on the right path. Faith in what is inside of us will allow us to realize the wonderful gifts that come our way. An old friend with an idea, encouraging words from a stranger, a song that lets us realize we are precisely where we should be or the twinkle in the eyes of a child when they share their own dreams. Let us walk with confidence to that place we really want to go.

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