Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Time

We do not know which way the wind will blow or life's current will take us. Fear can arise in us at any given time and put us directly into our minds, taking us out of the flow that comes from our hearts. FAITH, at any given moment will allow us to follow dreams and imagine a life filled with joy and happiness. A magical aspect of our journey is the experiences we learn from and the redemption in our souls when we overcome the obstacles that rattle us from time to time. As we put one foot in front of the other, without expectations and the belief that we are doing our best; The wind will take us in the direction of our dreams.

Let us not allow self doubt drive us away from our ultimate purpose, we can stay the course by taking on situations in our lives as they come and being able to live in each moment. No matter the circumstance or direction our lives seem to be turning, we are capable of shifting our thoughts toward the true desires of our hearts. Our time is right now; time has nothing to do with the past which is gone or the future which we have no control over. Not just some of us, but all of us have something to offer the world in order to stay in the constant flow of the Universe. A smile to a stranger, an experience that can benefit another, a helping hand to a friend or a simple unnoticed gesture that may give hope to another person. It is RIGHT NOW during OUR TIME that we can change our thoughts and actions toward our grand purpose. We can leave ourselves alone and allow for the mystery to unfold around us taking us to that place we really want to go.

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