Sunday, November 23, 2008


Within everyone is the capacity to discover our intuitive dreams and the power to carry them out. Though there is absolutely no way to predict the future; we are bound by nothing from our past that can stop us from creating the life we imagine right now. We can teach ourselves to release the fear and anxiety that comes from our mind and the ideas that have been established throughout our lifetime. We must treat our instincts like we are children, attempting to discover what makes us feel alive in any given moment by being curious and unafraid. There is no reason to let ourselves be trapped by the insecurities of what may happen tomorrow because of what we have learned from outside sources yesterday. Right now, we should begin to find the passion inside our heart that gives us freedom and resolve to let the source within ourselves drive us to feel alive in this instant.

Though the intentions of the people surrounding us throughout our lives may be may be wonderful; they are not necessarily in tune with our own unique intuition. As we establish our own desires and accept the hope of others, we are capable of guiding them by our confidence alone. We will be able to let go of fear and grab on to whatever individual faith resides inside of us. The beauty of this is that we are not bound by any one particular belief, but understanding that whatever drives us from within our souls is what we need to hold onto individually, allowing others to do the same. Look at the world in awe and with humility; discover your own bliss and we will allow ourselves to drive toward our greatest dreams.

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