Sunday, November 16, 2008


Many times it is harder to figure out the right questions than it is to come up with the answers. Each new day our journey begins again, with new insights and experiences that shape our lives. We may often find that we are losing ourselves in what to do next, where the next step should lead us or wondering how we are feeling about life's twists and turns. Many situations that seem black and white may turn to different shades of gray, keeping us in a holding pattern that forces us to begin to ask questions that yesterday may have seemed irrelevant. There is beauty in these moments as we are forced to ask questions with our hearts; letting go of the misconceptions of our minds. By consistently staying in motion, our pathways will always open up and we can be assured no matter what comes our way, the light within us will guide us through our darkest moments. We will find our answers and not be afraid to take little risks to come up with the questions that will guide us.

Sometimes we will find ourselves in various situations that slow us down or knock us a bit off track. The seeds planted in our earth are always in motion, ready to blossom. Though they have to wait for the rain and the sun to fully develop, they always will always sprout to their full potential. Just as our harshest winters turn to beautiful spring days, we will always find our way to that place we really want to go. We may stay in the constant flow of The Universe by asking questions from our hearts and allowing the answers to come to us many different forms. Let us take comfort in knowing that they may come in the timely encouragement from a friend, the warm smile of a stranger or reconnecting with another soul. Our answers will come easily from within, so long as we dare to ask the questions from our hearts.

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