Monday, June 9, 2008


When we are accepting of situations in our life, we are bound by nothing and free to follow our given path with ease and confidence. At any given moment we may be faced with fear because we have a different vision than the circumstance put in front of us. The beautiful part of this is that we are given the opportunity to create life's solutions by consenting to God's will and finding that there is no situation that we can't handle.

At times we wrap our minds around how we can change the world outside of us and this causes us to get stuck in situations that we have no control over. However, within each of us is the ability to redirect our thoughts toward a purpose bigger than we can see in moments of despair, anger and self doubt. The Universe creates crisp green rolling hills and peaceful oceans following storms that ravage the earth. In the flow of life we too will find our peace, our serenity and our passion once the storm within us has passed. Know today that within each of us is the innate ability to illuminate the world surrounding us with the shining light within us. Create solutions by accepting everything and everyone around us. Know with certainty, in our heart we carry within us God's LOVE, direction and wisdom.

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