Saturday, June 28, 2008

Confident Smiles

Let us walk together free of fear and open to the abundant possibilities availing themselves to us in every moment. One smile can change an entire day for someone, a simple gesture of hope that allows us to carry one another to that place we really want to go.

A confident smile is a powerful force capable of creating pathways toward the soul. It is a small gift that shines from within us and gives everyone around us permission to do the same. When we discover in our heart what makes us feel alive and trust that we are in tune with our greatest good, the pieces of the grand puzzle will automatically fall into place. Our success is not measured by possessions, but by how we carry ourselves and lift each other at any given time. Walk self assured that within everyone lies an innate ability to forgive, love unconditionally and deliver hope to others at any given moment. Let our light shine today, open a door for a stranger, admire the gleam in a child's eyes and SMILE CONFIDENTLY.

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