Friday, September 5, 2014


“I believe in intuitions and inspirations…I sometimes “feel” that I am right. I do not “know” that I am”~ Albert Einstein
Our minds seek comfort while our hearts seek truth. Throughout our journey there will be serious crossroads when logic and passion meet and cause us to stop and reflect which direction to choose. For me, passion and intuition wins out the majority of the time and that is the beauty of risk. This is who I am and I am good with that because in the end, it is those decisions I made when it felt right that created the magical moments in my life. Of course I have made some wrong choices and learned from each of them. There is perfection in every imperfect situation; the trick is allowing yourself to see the magic in all of it. At the end of the day, when we sit still and allow ourselves to get in touch with our inner voice; the answers will come and when they are strong you’ll feel it throughout your body and any sort of logic should be tossed aside. As I sit here, having been awake for hours already I have come a magnificent decision because I’m finished gathering the outside information I needed, the “logic” that has caused a battle within me. Perhaps battle is the wrong word to use as it has really been a process. Forced to take a good hard look at what I desire in my world, every ounce of me now knows that answer. For the first time in my life, I am absolutely certain and trusting of who and what I want. All of the fears, the doubts, the questions of worthiness and readiness are completely gone from my psyche; my soul knows the answer, it always has. I just had to fully and unconditionally trust it!  

Still waters run deep, that has been “the way” for me much of my life. Today, I’d rather make a splash and go after the life I imagine, certain that I can live in the questions and let the answers flow like rolling river making its way to a fantastic destination. I had to listen for it, allow myself the freedom to discover all the things that have held me back thus far and confront them head on. When I’m at my best, I am the goofiest, most playful, caring, creative, considerate, loving, and secure person on earth. No doubt, I'm feeling that once again. The only thing that has ever kept me from that is fear when in fact there is nothing in this life to be afraid of. Right now, each of us has everything we need to create the life we imagine and be our absolute best. Take a risk with an open heart and open mind, let the chips fall where they may. Let your imagination run wild with all of your hearts desires; love passionately, work hard, dance crazily and sing loudly when you’re alone or even when you’re not. It’s an amazing revelation to find yourself skipping through a park and jumping in puddles with joyous spirit. Even if you’re not “feeling joyful”, take my word for it, you will be if you go and try it! Do things you have never done before and never ever be afraid to take someone else along for the ride. Embrace the feelings that make your heart thump, your dreams vivid, and imagination wander. In essence, we are all meant to have the light inside of us shine as bright the sun; never doubt the true freedom of being your authentic, weird, and awesome self. There is magic in a decided heart, it will cause you to change everything. Look doubt in the eye and give it the middle finger; no matter what your past has been like or future may or may not be; go ahead, skip, run, sing and dance; let your heart decide your destination.        

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