Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Art & The Places WE can go

“I think what film and art and music do; they work as a map of sorts for your feelings”
~Bruce Springsteen
Have you ever been driving and a song comes on the radio that just hits you? Inside you feel something come alive and it could take you to another dimension all together. I already know that answer because no matter who you are or what you do, the genius of somebody’s creation can move you in ways you never knew possible when you’re open to it. Each of us have an emotional core that when provoked can take us anyplace we really want to go; and often times are also afraid to go. We can look at a painting or drawing and something inside of us causes us to snap a picture of the image in our minds and feel what the artist was going through at a particular moment in their lives. It reminds us, no matter how strong or reserved or even stubborn we could be, that we are all human and have our own individual means of walking through life. A little over a week ago I took in a film that I haven’t seen in almost a decade; at that time I looked at the film from a different point of view and though I thought it was very good at the time, watching it now literally brought me to my knees at certain points because of the feelings it brought up inside about what is going on in my life right now. It provoked something in my heart and soul that I've either been scared of or never addressed until now. Simply stated, you love who you love, you’re connected to who you’re connected to and nobody can take it away. On that screen was me, not me the actor, but me the man going through life and all it's pain, beauty, and challenges. That is what art can do; the great comedy or tragedy or lesson that touches all of us comes out in it; it opens up our minds and our hearts to life’s possibilities. After a little bit of time processing what I had felt, I looked a bit further into this particular actor who moved me so much and now have a greater appreciation for not only his work, but the man he is; just a guy who had a dream and wasn't afraid to take risks in life or look “silly” doing it. Bravo Jim Carrey.

Something inside of me has always had an appreciation for collaborating artists. Whether it is in music or film, the idea of two or more very different people coming together and creating something magical inspires me beyond words. Although I personally am a bit of an individualist; the idea of teamwork is what really drives me. There is something about the connection that has always had me yearning to work at something together with someone else. The essence of this I suppose is that anything is possible when you’re surrounded by the right people or person. What I've found recently is that not only creatively, but in life, working at something together makes things more bearable and possibilities limitless. It has taken a lot for me to come to this realization, to discover that although we need to walk our own path, the road will be smoother when two paths meet; everyone needs a hand to hold onto. A writer needs a director who needs a cast that understands the message they’re trying to convey. The greatest musicians in the world need a band to fully evolve. An artist in any form get inspiration from the connections they make in the world. As Firefighters, we rely on each other to work together to get an important job done. Through it all, there is one common thread, a connection to somebody else. If and when you’re lucky enough to find a connection that makes you better, makes you feel alive, and clicks with you on every level; bring your paths together and create the life you imagine. Throw your cards on the table and allow each other to see what you’re holding; there’s always a possibility that they’re both winning hands. In the end, nobody wins unless everybody wins.   

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