Saturday, June 28, 2014

Intuition vs. fear and silly odds

I’m going to go on ride to nowhere, wherever I end up, I will create something. Sometimes driving simply allows me to have my 60,000 thoughts a day at a slower pace. Possibly, in my case it’s more like 80,000 thoughts but that’s something for another day. I've got some time for the first time in a while and that means there are some odds to beat. I always wonder where “experts” come up with crazy reasoning about everything in life and try to dissuade folks from going after something they want. Inside of everyone is a powerful voice that says anything is possible. I recall sitting in a room full of people the better part of a decade ago and the authority figure up front basically said that “1 out of 35 of you have a chance to make it and even that one person will fail after 2 years". The voice inside me began to laugh out loud because my intuition always tells me to beat the odds. So far, I have knocked that one out of the park! I plan on defying many many more "odds". That’s not to say that fear doesn't try and creep in at any given moment in life, those are the moments when the thoughts multiply and confusion could set in. These are also the moments when after a little time you weigh in on the intuition vs. fear battle and make a decision. Once a choice is made, you either give into fear or believe in your intuition; passion, love, will, determination, forgiveness, and faith are all the byproducts of trusting the voice inside of you that says “screw the odds”~ We got this!

It doesn't matter if it’s a career choice, a relationship, personal battles, or anything else. If something inside of you tells you it is right, work hard at it and don’t, by any means, allow fear to set any limits on your dreams. The world belongs to the risk takers, the folks who laugh at the experts and go after what they want. Circumstances will come and go; maybe you will doubt yourself because you’re not exactly in the place you want to be. This is a good thing! The fire burns inside and complacency is not an option. I’m there right now, at this place where I have to evaluate and create a way to get to the place I really want to go. Imagination on the big picture and eyes set clearly on what to do right now. Fears and doubts were creeping in for a bit, but they never ever win out when my intuition tells me the three important factors in beating the odds; what I want to do, who I want to share it with, and where I want to go. I am certain of all three! Today perhaps, a few pages get written or an audition comes up or I simply drop down to 40,000 thoughts. No matter what, the direction will be evident. Whoever the experts are can take their story elsewhere, we got this.  Whatever the odds, love your chances and trust your heart!    

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