Monday, June 23, 2014


I went to New York City today. I had no plan, no real reason to go, or even an idea except that I needed to get some clarity. Sounds a little ironic that one would go to the busiest place on earth for clarity I guess, but I simply love it there and when I’m in a rut; New York City or near the ocean is where I need to be. A lot has happened since I last wrote for people to see, quite a bit recently so I chose to act, to get moving back in the direction I need to go in order to be full of life again. I have a whole lot of energy in me and somewhere over the last couple of months I got caught up in something that kept me from flourishing in some incredibly important areas. In fact, I was stopped dead in my tracks recently. I have a fantastic job that I’m proud to do and find many rewards in simply doing it. Also, without a doubt, I have this amazing dream of telling stories; of acting and writing and having an outlet to release all the fears and doubts, experience and joy that goes along with being me. So maybe I did have a plan, a reason, and an idea when I left for the big city. I was in search of something, the connection to myself that will keep me growing into the man I want to be.

In another ironic twist, I ran into an old friend on the bus! We sat next to each other and in approximately 40 minutes engaged in a conversation about life and love and the “knowing” when you’ve found something great; when you’re connected to someone or something that brings out the best in you every single time. It helps you to run on a creative plane and teaches you to really listen and understand the complexities of what you say at any given time. As I walked through this bustling city, with all of its character and "characters", I realized that I have to practice fearlessness when it comes to the considerable gifts I’ve been given. I have to make good on my dreams and confidently walk toward them. I know what I want and who and I want to share it all with; it’s time to put any fears aside and go get it, ALL OF IT. To truly give the best I have in me, there are risks I need to take and risk has never stopped me before. 

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