Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Visionary and The Sorcerer

“I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot. Together, WE can do great things”~ Mother Teresa
It is often times difficult to describe feelings or for that matter, understand them yourself when you are a self-reliant individual who has won a few “battles” along the way of life. I’m often writing about the lessons I've learned over the years; about change and growth and purpose. For my entire life I have been an independent guy, never one to be with any certain crowd with any kind of defined way of thinking. A rebel perhaps in some ways, mostly though it has been that I have my own ideas on what should be done and how to do things. I’m extreme and passionate and I will never apologize for that, it makes me who I am. It has been both a blessing and a curse; the blessings because when you feel things you know you’re alive and the curse in the times I should have allowed another inside. My own life misconception was that I had to do it all on my own. Having a deep fear of not being able to accomplish what I set out to do by myself. Today, that fear is gone and I know as well as I know my name; I CAN’T DO IT ALONE, nor do I want to. I believe in my purpose to make the world a better place in some way, whether through my job, my art, my ability to bring people together, or whatever my strengths and opportunities may be. For the very first time, I know that I am better as part of a connection. There is a yin to everyone’s yang. The most successful people I know, both men and women, have that connection, that sharing of a purpose and it took me a long time to see it. As individuals each have a dynamic that allows the other to shine; together they are powerful beyond the stars. This has been the greatest lesson of life for me and there have been some doozies. That being said, it has also taught me about true and unconditional love, which is truly what everything is all about. It's very humbling to discover something so beautiful when you never realized it was all that was missing. The gratitude and pureness I have for this realization cannot be measured.

As I sit here, with a lot of great opportunities in front of me, the realization is that I need help to complete the mission; a person who balances me out as I balance them out. Always afraid of saying “I need anyone or anything”, this day I can say that I do need a partner and I am not needy in any way, but secure in that belief. A friend recently told me that I’m “like a magician” because I seem to get things done. I suppose it’s true in a way and it all stems from a source that has given me certain gifts; wonderful gifts that each of us have and hopefully make good use of. As each day passes, we can accomplish, learn, and dream of a whole lot; even more when we have a common purpose. There is a ton on my plate right now and it’s all purposeful and good; I can use some direction and help and that’s okay. Every Sorcerer needs a Visionary. 

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