Monday, December 1, 2014

Good Vibes and Easy Living

“Kiss slowly, laugh insanely. Live truly and forgive quickly” ~ Paulo Coelho
The bagpipes echoed throughout the old theater sending chills down my spine and drawing tears from my eyes. Over a hundred pipers along with drummers starting off a night of remembrance for Brendan Tevlin, a young man who was murdered at the hands of evil; senselessly taken from this world for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. No matter the circumstance or the questions of a given situation, it is always difficult to comprehend when a young life ends. It would be easy to write about the different ways tragedy is handled by different people, I prefer today to leave a message of hope and forgiveness because that is exactly what I took from the Tevlin family and friends. The theme of the night was “Good Vibes and Easy Living” and talking with the family I learned that it was also the theme of this young man’s life. Tom, his grandfather is a retired fireman who I know and even learned recently that I have a lot more in common with than the career that chose us. Through all the pain this family has and will endure, they are choosing to live in a way that all of us should emulate because we simply never know what life brings. Tom, who is 78 and looking to get “discovered” at a local karaoke place, sings The Beatles, Rod Stewart, and Barry White… He has wigs for each performance.  The twinkle in his eyes and easy smile on his face had me feeling a kinship and at ease in a way which I hope to bring to those around me. The conversation alone showed me that life is precious and there is no room for resentment or anger to live the life you imagine. When you love, love completely and never leave words left unsaid.

There is another situation happening around me where a woman who I have known my entire life, she is extended family to the point I call her children my cousins; she is rapidly moving on from this world. It is difficult to watch and all I can do is try and be there for the family in any way they need me. However, I am grateful that I was able to have a conversation with her a couple weeks ago before she was unable to speak. What I gained from that conversation is that I will do all I can in this life to have no regrets and to live as fearlessly as possible. Today I will choose to be happy no matter how much my mind races. Today, I will take a step toward my dreams; take care of myself spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally as best I can. I will smile and send love and light to everyone who has touched my life in a positive way and those who have taught me magical lessons. Hopes of skipping through New York City, feeling great and dancing through the night will remain with me no matter what “advice” I have been given. Today, I will be grateful for this beautiful life and family and friends. Today, music will fill my soul, inspiring creativity and allowing my body to move freely. Today, I will feel lighter as I discover the innocence of pure passion and love that I have come to know is still within me. Today, I will embrace the fact that I’m a bit “on the outside” of the groups I belong to; it is possible to be both tough and tender! Today, I will be independent and fierce in creating the life I dream of yet open and available to sharing myself. Today, I will do something good and unexpected for someone and not need anything in return. Tonight, I will look back on today and know I did the best I could to be better. Good vibes and easy living; this holiday season, let’s all be full of life and full of love.  

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