Monday, May 12, 2008

Awe and Acceptance

Everything is miraculous and we are perfect exactly where we are today. We can get an awesome feeling inside when we are able to see all of the awe inspiring creations of the Universe that day to day we may take for granted. Each branch of a tree is connected in some way to the root below the Earth's rich soil. Rivers constantly flow inevitably finding their destination. All creatures, from the wildest of Wolves to our own pets are breathing the same air as we do. Each creation existing in perfect harmony with the beautiful, vast and ever changing world we live in.

We too are perfect creations of God and the Universe. Our great gift is that we have the ability to create the life we imagine when we are accepting that we control nothing, yet we are moving toward our purpose. Our intuitions will clear the way through our fears and anxiety when we know in our hearts that we have given absolute control of the results to the invisible power that puts everything right where it should be. Today, accept all the things we can't change and confidently change everything we can. We can be certain that right now, in this moment, we are created perfectly in the awe inspiring Universe we live in.

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